There's never been a better time to ride
Our world, our responsibility
Choose your bike for one or more trips each week and tag a photo of your ride with #GoByBike for the health of our people and planet.

Don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone
Freedom to roam. To explore. To be human. As we emerge from isolation and enter the world, let’s see opportunity. Do we want to return to the same world, or do we want to make a better one?

Time to do our part
Science tells us the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has grown to dangerous levels, causing unprecedented global warming and climate change. Now’s the time to work together toward a cleaner future.

Collective action works
If this year has taught us anything, it’s that the fate of our world is linked to the action of its inhabitants - and that we can come together and take collective action. It all comes down to each person choosing to put the greater good first.
Riding is climate action
How to join the #GoByBike movement

Choose your bike over your car for at least one trip each week.

Share the message by posting a photo of your ride and using the #GoByBike hashtag.

Invite others to ride and take action by tagging them in your photo.